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Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Discover - Investigate - Learn

Telephone02 49558673

Register for Wet & Wild Challenge

Registations now open for 2024.

Complete the Google form to register for the Wet & Wild Competition.    

(You will need to log into your DoE Google account to access this form. Further information below)

Alternatively send the following information to:

  • School name
  • Teacher name
  • Contact email
  • Team names.

Each school can register a maximum 3 teams to participate in Wet & Wild.

Please Note: only NSW Department of Education schools are able to enter this competition.

How to access your DoE Google account.

Via your portal - easiest!

  • Open Google Workspace from your portal first (e.g. before clicking on any links) – this automatically logs you in using your account and password.

OR - Log in via Google homepage.

When you sign in you must use:

  • Your usual portal password