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Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Discover - Investigate - Learn

Telephone02 49558673

Geography- Different and similar environments (Wetlands Campus)

Stage 2

Drawing on the content areas of places are similar and different and the earth's environment this program focuses on acquiring geographical information by observing and collecting data through fieldwork, using maps and spatial technologies.  Students explore the climate, vegetation and animals of the Hunter Wetlands. They examine the importance of natural resources to the environment, animals and people and learn about the ways people value environments, including the Awabakal people.

PowerPoint introduction.

Discovery activities including:

  • Map, Compass and GPS skills walk
  • Aboriginal bush tucker garden
  • Wetland weather and water conditions. Aboriginal seasonal calendars
  • Tank room and bird observing

For further information on curriculum links, program and excursion information see below or contact us.


Further Information