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Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Discover - Investigate - Learn

Telephone02 49558673

Science - Living things

Early stage 1 and stage 1

Students investigate the needs and the ways that different places in the environment provide for the needs of living things through a range of activities.

Students are based around the EEC and rotate through four activities:

  • Dip netting, discussion of lifecycles and the needs of living things.
  • Leaf litter invertebrate survey.
  • Short walk around nature trail investigating the needs of living things.
  • Tools, animals and plants used by Aboriginal people to meet their needs.

The basic program will be changed to suit larger groups, weather conditions or availability of water for dip netting. Other activities students may complete include an investigation into birds nests, including looking at examples of nests and construction of a nest.

For further information on curriculum links, program and excursion information see below or contact us.


Further Information