Stage 2 Science and Technology outcomes
A student:
- questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and communicates using scientific representations ST2-1WS-S
- selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity ST2-2DP-T
Material World
A student:
- investigates the suitability of natural and processed materials for a range of purposes ST2-7MW-T
Physical World
A student:
- describes the characteristics and effects of common forms of energy, such as light and heat ST2-8PW-ST
Digital Technologies
A student:
- describes how digital systems represent and transmit data ST2-11DI-T
Material World
Materials are used for a specific purpose
Focus question: How do you decide upon which material to use for a particular purpose?
• investigate how the properties of natural and processed materials influence their suitability and use in products, services and/or environments, for example: (ACSSU074, ACTDEK013) DesT SciT
- thermal conductivity
• develop a design solution for an identified need or opportunity, using a variety of tools and materials that considers factors such as sustainability and time (ACTDEK010) DesT
Physical World
Energy makes things happen (heat, light and electricity)
Inquiry question: How do heat, light and electrical energy make things happen?
• investigate the behaviour of light, for example: (ACSSU080) SciT
− shadows resulting from interruption of light by an object
• describe the effects of heat energy
• explore some common sources and uses of electrical energy and describe different ways electrical energy can be generated sustainably, for example: (ACSSU219)
− solar cells
− hydroelectric power
− wind turbines
− geothermal power generation
− wave power
Digital Technologies
Digital Systems and the transmission of data
Focus question: How do digital systems share information and instructions?
• identify and explore a range of digital systems and peripheral devices. (ACTDIK007) ComT DesT SysT
• explore how digital systems transmit different types of data. ComT SysT
• investigate digital and information systems, and explore how they meet personal, school or community needs. SciT
Working Scientifically: Questioning and predicting, processing and analysing data, planning and conducting investigations
Design and Production: Researching and planning, producing and implementing, testing and evaluating
Learning across the curriculum
Civics and citizenship
Information and communication technology capability