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Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Discover - Investigate - Learn

Telephone02 49558673

Geography - People live in places / People and places (Dudley Campus)

Early Stage 1 / Stage 1

Students will investigate the connection of people to places and the location of places along with elements of the weather. Aboriginal cultural connections to country will be a focus of this program.

Activities include:

  • Short walk to Little Swamp to learn about the cultural heritage at this location and participate in a cultural play
  • Investigation and examination of traditional tools used by the Awabakal people
  • Using weather instruments to gather data and discussion about seasons
  • Examination of the features of maps to determine location and construction of a map using materials found on school grounds
  • Determining ways this area is used by people and how to care for this location

For further information on curriculum links, program and excursion information see below or contact us.


Further Information