Early Stage 1 and Stage 1
- Geography - People live in places/ people and places (Dudley Campus)
- Geography / Science - People and places in the living world (Wetlands Campus)
- Science - Living things (Dudley Campus)
- History - The past in the present (Dudley Campus)
Stage 2
- History - First contacts: Awabakal Country and place (Dudley Campus)
- Science and Sustainability - Eco Explorers (Wetlands Campus)
- Geography - Different and Similar Environments (Wetlands Campus)
- Geography - Our Local Environment (Delivered at a suitable location near your school or at the Dudley Campus)
Stage 3
- Science - Coastal Studies (Merewther Beach)
- Science - Living Wetlands and Mangroves (Wetlands Campus)
- Science - STEM Energy (Wetlands Campus)
- Geography - Factors that shape places (Glenrock SCA)
- History / Geography - Aboriginal Wetland Connections (Wetlands Campus)