Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

Discover - Investigate - Learn

Telephone02 49558673

Nature Detectives (incursion)

Early Stage 1 and Stage 1

When we discover that all the small animals have disappeared from the school, students become Nature Detectives and search for clues and evidence of small animals at your school. Students search for soil invertebrates and identify and group living things using their external features. Our Nature Detectives complete a scientific drawing of one of the invertebrates collected.  

Activities include:

  • Conducting a leaf litter survey, searching for soil invertebrates and placing them into bug pots.
  • Completing a scientific drawing.
  • Classification activity using animals collected. 

The duration of this program is approximately 50 minutes.

For further information on curriculum links, program and excursion information see below or contact us. 

Further Information

Awabakal Environmental Education Centre teachers will visit your school.

An outdoor space with gardens or an area of bush where students can search for soil invertebrates is required. 

Science Outcomes

Early Stage 1

A student:

  • observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas STe-1WS-S
  • explores the characteristics, needs and uses of living things STe-3LW-ST


Stage 1

A student:

  • observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas ST1-1WS-S
  • describes observable features of living things and their environments ST1-4LW-S



Early Stage 1- Content

Inquiry Question: What do we notice about living things?


  • participate in guided investigations to identify living things and the external features of plants and animals in the local environment.
  • communicate findings of observations of living things in their environment.


Stage 1- Content

External features of living things

Inquiry question: What are the external features of living things? 


  •  describe the external features of a variety of living things
  • identify and group plants and animals using their external features, for example:

− native and introduced plants and animals

− worms, insects, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals


Working Scientifically

Planning and conducting investigations.

Processing and analysing data.


Learning across the curriculum


You will be required to provide:

  • Copy of the worksheet, clipboard and pencil per student.
  • Class teachers must stay with their class at all times.
  • An area with a garden or area of bush to search for soil invertebrates.

Students should wear a hat, sunscreen, comfortable, covered walking shoes plus any special requirements of the group (Wet weather gear when necessary). 

The incursion is approximately 50 minutes in duration. 

This program can be delivered to multiple classes in one day.

Some examples of a typical schedule is as follows:

Example 1

9.00am - Class 1

10.00am - Class 2

11.00am - Break

11.30am - Class 3

12.30pm - Class 4

1.30pm - Pack up


Example 2

9.00am - Class 1

10.00am - Activity reset time

10.15am - Class 2

11.15am - Break

11.45am - Class 3

12.45pm - Activity reset time

1.00pm - Class 4

2.00pm - Pack up


AEEC is a NSW Department of Education school and staff are trained DoE teachers specialising in Environmental Education.


AEEC teachers rely on the participation of visiting teachers to meet recommended supervision levels. Visiting teachers are ultimately responsible for behaviour of students, students with existing medical conditions or special needs.

Please notify Awabakal Environmental Education Centre of any medical conditions or special needs that may need to be taken into consideration when planning or delivering the program. Upon booking an excursion, a form will be emailed to complete to detail any medical or special needs. 

As our staff are Department of Education teachers we don’t require parent helpers on the day.  If your school decides to bring parents, we kindly ask that you keep the number to a minimum.  For safety reasons and the nature of our sites, parents will not be able to participate in activities.

Extreme weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, high winds and extreme bush fire danger may result in the excursion being modified, postponed or cancelled. If you have any concerns regarding the weather prior to the excursion, contact Awabakal Environmental Education Centre on 4955 8673 or email

Cancellations less than three school weeks notice may incur an administration fee. This does not apply to cancellations due to weather or fire danger. 

For bookings click here.