Awabakal Environmental Education Centre

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Telephone02 49558673

Environmental and sustainability resources

Green days

Green days are a great way to celebrate special environmental dates on the calander, such as World Environment Day or Biodiversity Month (September). To find out more, download the information below.

Green Day Guide (PDF 217KB)

Green Day Poster (PDF 279KB)

Green Day Assembly Speech (PDF 26KB)

And if you want to read about a school that has run one, go to the 'Green school stories' .

School Environmental Management Plans (SEMP)

As part of the NSW Environmental Education Policy, schools are asked to involve their students in managing their school environment.

The focus areas for schools include Water, Energy, Biodiversity, Waste and use Resources for school activities and the aim is to find ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. This work involves students in collecting and analysing real information, problem solving real issues and developing planning skills.

Steps for each focus area include:

  • conducting a review of bills to identify costs (if available)
  • conducting an audit to get a baseline picture
  • identifying problems that can be addressed

Sustainable schools

The Department of Education offers a range of resources to support schools in the area of sustainability. 

DoE sustainability resources

Environmental Education Policy for Schools

WebGraphs for schools

WebGraphs is a very useful tool that allows teachers to integrate environmental education with other KLAs using real life energy data from the school. This WebGraph package contains easy to use information on the set up, application and use of WebGraphs for schools.

WebGraph guide for schools (PDF 2MB)

WebGraphs Online Energy Reporting Website